I Don't Have - All The
So when it comes to "Super
Structures" and building them on models, I'd say my ole buddy - Joe E.
Brown has all the answers you & I - Both Need!. Joe
has filled his website with all sorts of model building tips and
examples too, and between his site & mine, your pretty well covered in
just about every subject in modeling. So if your planning on using
"Clear Plastics" or so-called Acrylics to build scale model -
structures, then check out Joe's = WebSite at the Belwo Weblink!.
Visit Joe's -
Construction Tips Pages at ...
Tap Photo to
Here, I've assembled the "Pilot House" on a model, using "Clear"
Acrylic Plastic sheets, then used masking tape to mark off the Windows &
Doorways on the Structure. Once these area's have been covered by
short lengths of masking tape, I mark off the lines of doors or windows,
on the tape. Then gently cut the excess tape - away, with a fresh
blade in an hobby - xacto knife, I remove only the excess tape,
leaving the door or window pattern to cover the plastic, while I spray
paint the structure. And I often completely cover the interior areas,
to avoid over spray from ruining the windows, which may require me to
mask and also - cut patterns on the inside of the structure too.
Here, things must be lined up, very carefully, otherwise the patterns -
miss match, and don't look right.
I use CA - Quick
Setting Super Glue, to gently seal the edges of the structures, but I do
this, very carefully to avoid the glue - running onto areas that may
become windows. On large structures, I also usually add 1/4"
"Triangle" wood braces = in the corners, to give added strength.
Unless the structure is to small - to do this, such as in the case of a
Helm - for example, where space doesn't allow you the room to do
Plexiglas is sorta
neat stuff, cause if your careful - with it, you can even bend it with
heat! ..... And using a heat gun, along with some sorta of metal form,
with which to bend the plastic to the shape you desire, the material is
easy to gently bend into just about any shape you want-it. But does
take some practice to accomplish the results desired, sort of like
Vac-U-Forming Plastics', which works in a similar manner, where you heat
the plastic to bend it to a form or over a plug - Pattern.
How To Make - Decals
Its A Fact of Life ......
99% of the time, your wasting your time,
looking for decals of any kind, unless your a model railroader. Or
their supplied - with a model kit when you bought-it. But don't get
to disappointed - Yet. There are
ways around this hassle in many
cases. "If your willing to gather the proper - tools and learn a few
new skills on the ole pc, and willing to use them to widen your modeling
experiences. ... If So = Then Read Further Below!
What's Needed to Make a
Do You Have A B/W Or
#1 ... "You will Need A
Good Design - Software" on your Pc Too!" .... For
example, a software that creates or works with "Drawings, Post Cards, B
& W and/or Color Photos or will make - Posters, Signs, Greeting Cards -
Etc. These types of software programs usually will offer a wide
choice of fonts, background styles and ready-made projects to get you
started learning how to use them. And most are often paired or
included with your "Color Printer" software and usually provide some or
all of what you may need. So 1st - check your pc software and see if
your system has a program like = Metafile Companion, Photo Draw,
Power Point or maybe Microsoft Word or Picture Draw and Others similar
to those just mentioned. I myself, happen to prefer -
all you need is some practice to learn your way around it. Thnn you
can start creating all sorts of things, including decals and books to
cover your models - documentation and photos.
#2 ... Naturally a Color Printer
- IS BEST ...... But
even simple B/W Laser Printers - will do some things, but with color you
can create whatever is needed ...... Except for the Color WHITE.
Printers - won't create this color, so it has to be provided in "One of
Two Ways", either by the material used to print the logo or decal. Or
by the location the decal is going to be placed, example = A White
Painted Structure of a model ship will provide the White Background for
the decal - if necessary?
You must use the proper Type of "Decal Sheet"
or Decal Paper, designed for your printer ( Meaning - Its Name Brand &
Model # ), must be mentioned on the "Decal Papers" information, so you
know it will work correctly. Decal Paper is available from several
sources (
In Either Clear = Transparency
or White - Sheets
), and work with most all popular brands of printers, whether their
Bubble Jet or Ink - Jet, or just B/W Laser Printers!
Sources For - Decal
Apollo Transparency Film -
for Inkjet Printers
.... Available at Office Depot & Other Supply Stores. Also offers a
White - Sheet version too! ...
NOTES - Must be clear coated with an enamel spray
paint, once the decal is dry! Visit
their web ((
http://www.apollopresentation.com/ ))
SuperCal - Decal Paper
- for Inkjet Printers with Six
Easy Steps ..... Available at Office Depot &
Other Supply Stores, as well as some hobby shops.
NOTES - Must be spray coated with same source =
Spray Clear Coat, once decal is completely dry! ...
Visit their web at
(( http://www.paper-paper.com
Copying Decals on PC -
PC Scanner's are Optional Items that really pay
for themselves .......
And cost about $100.00 for a basic -
Flatbed Scanner Model that will do - Color or B&W scans. Capable of
copying - most Anything ( Photos / Drawings or Photos ), this certainly
includes copying already - printed decals too. And scanners provide
variables in "High Quality to Simple Settings" of DPI = Dots - Per
Inch. So the details can be very fine ( like a Photo ), or simple and
easy, as you wish. And the More - DPI's used, the clearer the details,
so these things really can copy - just about anything, you can fit into
a scanner. That includes color photos, cartoons, ready made decals,
book patterns or fonts and even website - drawings, photos, and other
material you can apply and use. All which make up possible parts of a
logo or decal design for a model boat!..... Nuff Said!!
Here's Some Decal
Examples - I've Made!
I like to use - Print
Master Gold -software to create
and scale ( Up or Down ), most all of my decals, including those that
use simple drawings or plain B/W artwork. This software scales
drawings - Up or Down, and provides hundreds of Fonts and Colors and
works with Color Photos too.
And I can make 3-D style
Decals too, and you can flip the drawing or decal backwards too. So
its printed side is down, when placed on a clear sheet of decal paper,
and you can make - Left Or Right-hand versions. That way, the decal
is further protected from moisture. Create what ya want from a book,
drawings, photos or from scratch, it even has some drawings and designs
to get you started.
Tap To
Enlarge Drawing
These decals were printed on "White
Decal paper and were scaled ( Up / Down ), to whatever required size -
is needed. "o Ahead Copy Them, compliments of "Old River Bill".
The 3rd drawing - Above Right, is used to make a detailed Interior of a
Helm Consol, and when its "Back-lighted", with a small light bulb,
mounted under the helm - dash Its lights - up, like a real dash full
of instruments and gauges.
Reverse - Printed
Why Would You Wanna REVERSE a =
Decal? ... Because when they're printed - like this, on clear
decal sheets, once their "Flipped Over" and pasted in place, they can be
clear coated to seal them from moisture. It further protects their
decal - ink, from moisture after their dried and then - Clear Spray =
Sealed. "But regardless of whether its printed normally or
reversed, decals must always be given a clear coating of "Spray Decal
Coating, which is mainly the same stuff as "Clear Enamel" spray
paint. So seal both sides, cause printer ink - naturally runs, if it
gets wet!
Tap To
Enlarge Drawing
Old Glory - is a perfect
example of a "Reversed Decal". When Printed, this decal provides both
- "Left & Right" sides, which you simply fold, then seal together to
make the flag. Its also perfectly aligned when printed on standard
type - paper sheets and can be coated to seal it from moisture later.
Once spray coated to seal from moisture with a "Clear Enamel" Spray
Paint, the decal is folded and mounted on a length of string and its two
sides are sealed with glue. When folded with the fine - black thread,
used as the line top raise and hold the flag on the mast, its ready to
install. And when slightly - bent or folded, the flag appears to be
flying in the wind. Oh Yeah .... Be sure to scale this drawing (
Enlarge Or Reduce - It ), to whatever size you need? And then print -
copies, or a whole sheet of flags, for example, several times with a
slight amounts of space between each copy, so you can make multiple flag
- decals!
I'll Post More - Later, Check
Back Often!
Last Updated
On 06/29/23 .