Thanks to Howie Burgess for the neat caricature.
Where to Begin
Welcome to all you new modelers to my site. This page is for you
who are not sure where to start. For you veterans there may be some
ideas you can use below.
Confused as to
what's port and what's starboard and which color light identifies which?
Here's and easy way to remember.
Port, left, red are shorter words to where Starboard, right, and green
are longer words.
What about Left
and Right hand props?
It works for the wheels (propellers) as well. Clockwise
rotating wheel on port, counter-clockwise wheel on starboard. To tell if
a propeller is clockwise or counter-clockwise, place it on the shaft and
view from the stern. Turn the prop in the direction it would go to push
the boat forward. If it turns the same direction as the second hand on a
clock, then it is a clockwise (right hand) propeller. In other words the
top of the propeller turns to the starboard direction. If it turns to
the port then it's a counter-rotating (left hand) prop.
Where do we begin? First let’s determine what type of vessel
interests you. There are speed boats, recreational boats like cabin
cruisers, military vessels, merchant ships, paddle wheel driven vessels,
Great Lakes vessels, submarines, and work boats like trawlers, tugs,
towboats, and miscellaneous specialty vessels. Next you'll want to
decide what scale to build in. You'll need to find a scale that will be
large enough to be stable and hold radio gear, but on the other note,
you'll want to scale to be small enough that the model will be
manageable and transportable. There are lots of clubs and forums on the
web that are dedicated to modeling specific vessels and lots of groups
with general interest in assorted vessels. If you haven't guessed yet,
this site is all about inland river work boats. keep in mind though,
that most of the tips here can apply to most other model vessels. So if
you're ready, let's talk about towboats.
Do you want to build a
small harbor tug or a large line haul towboat? In
practice, if I’m going to build a boat to radio control, boats smaller
than 100' in scale, I wouldn’t build no smaller than 1:48 ( 1/4"=1'). If
the boat is bigger than 150' then I wouldn’t build no larger than 1:48 (
Are you planning to
push a full tow or just make up a small barge just for fun?
The standard size of barge is 195' x 35'. In 1:48 scale that would be
48 3/4" x 8 3/4". That’s a four foot barge in 1/4" scale! A typical tow
for mid size boats are 15 barges, five long and three wide. That’s 20' 3
3/4" x 26 1/4" and that’s just the tow! How about a 100' boat with six
barges, 2 wide & 3 long? In 1:48 scale that would be 25" for the boat
and 12' 2 3/4" x 17 ½". Just want a boat and don’t plan to build scale
barges, well a 100' boat in ½" scale would be 50" long. That would be
manageable except for weight. Remember these are displacement hulls and
it takes a lot of weight to put them down at waterline. Most modelers I
know that build boats from 50' to 150' use 1:32 scale (3/8"=1'). A 100'
boat in this scale would be 37 ½".
Click here to check
out a scale chart.
There are many things to consider when building a boat for radio
control. Most important, what do you want to operate with r/c?
Do you just want to be able to steer left & right
and go forward & backwards, or do you want independent motor control and
steering control?
Independent steering control??? You’ll
notice that towboats have steering and flanking (backing) rudders. They
can all be coupled together on one servo or have separate control with
either all rudders on the port on one servo and all rudders on starboard
on another. You can also do them like the prototype and couple the
steering rudders on one servo and all the backing rudders on another.
But it doesn’t stop there! You can also have lights, horns, cranes,
fire monitors, smoke generators, winches, and other things operated by
r/c. For the best basic setup, use a four channel with separate steering
and flanking rudder control and two speed controls (for twin motors).
With separate motor control you can turn the boat in it's own length
without even touching the rudder controls.
I've been asked a few times how I apply
measurements to my working stock in the scale I'm building in without
using full size patterns. Whatever scale the plans are in, I have a
ruler in that scale. I have another ruler in the scale that I'm building
the model in. That way, whatever the dimension is on the plans, it is
the same on my working stock. In other words, 5' in 1/8" scale is still
5' if I'm building in 3/4" scale. I find it easier to work this way, I
guess because I've always worked from general arrangement plans from
shipyards. No, I don't have a lot rulers around. I have an architect's
rule (you know, the triangle type) for the plans and a metal railroad
rule scaled in 1:48 (O scale) and 1:87 (H-O scale) scale since these are
the two principal scales I work with.
To apply the hull profile measurements to the
working stock, first I measure for the waterline and use that to base my
other measurements from. Taking measurements from the head log then down
from the waterline will give a reference point
for the bow rake. Make as many of these reference points as you want
then just connect the dots. Do the same
working from the stern to get the stern rake and rise.

I try to mount every thing where it will be convenient without having
to remove the structure to turn things on and off. A really good place
is use the exhaust stacks. I glue a piece of brass tubing in the stack
and slide another piece in it, which is the exhaust pipe, and it glues
onto a push on/off switch mounted in the deck. To turn things on/and
off, just push down on the exhaust pipe. You can do as many as four
switches that way on a twin screw boat with the aux. Generator exhausts
going out the stacks too. Another place to locate switches is under a
life boat that lays upside down on deck or inside a vent or box on deck.
One trick I use to tell if my batteries are on or off is to use a
double pole switch for my main battery and my receiver battery. I run
the wiring to my motors and/or receiver on one side of the switch and
run some lights on the other side. I don’t use the same power source
unless my lights are the same voltage as the unit I’m switching. For
instance, I run my guard lights ( the yellow lights that light up the
deck) with my receiver switch so when it’s on my guard lights are on as
well. I connect the red and green navigation lights on the switch with
my main power to tell if it’s on.
There are many ways to build hulls and the technique is really up to
what the person building is comfortable with. There’s the solid hull
where the hull is carved out of a solid block of wood. There’s the bread
and butter where boards are sandwiched together to make up a hull.
There’s the plank on frame where a frame is made up and then strips of
wood are glued on to make the hull. There’s also what I call sheet on
frame, which is my building method. That’s where a pattern is cut from a
sheet of wood that makes up a side, deck, bow, or stern section and
glued onto framing.
Another idea is Bill Zumwalt’s method he calls styrosa! He uses basic
extruded styrofoam used for insulating homes and shapes it into a hull.
Then he hot glues balsa wood to the outside of the hull area and hollows
out the inside for the r/c gear and electronics. He and I, both
fiberglass our hulls. You can view both of these methods
on the
Hulls page.
Again there are many ways to build the deck cabins. A lot of modelers
use aircraft plywood and bass wood. I like to use clear acrylic plastic.
I mask off for my windows and doors so after it’s painted I have prefab
windows and doors.
Construction 101 page. Other’s usually cut out their windows and
doors and use clear plastic to fit in the pane. Some even use microscope
slides to cut real glass window panes.
Towboats are different
from speed boats and the motors needed are different too. With speed
boats you need a high RPM motor that eats up battery live and will only
give you a run time of five minutes to a half hour. Towboats, on the
other hand, are slow moving vessels and can use motors that pull less
than two amps. An idea motor for a towboat turns around 5000 RPM with
10,000 RPM the maximum you'd want.
Motors create RF (radio
frequency) noise that can interfere with your radio signal. The best way
to keep RF problems at a minimum is to solder a .01uF (micro-farad)
capacitor onto each motor lead then onto the casing of the motor. To
further dampen RF noise, solder a .047uF capacitor across the two motor
leads. The best way to get the capacitor leads to adhere to the motor
casing is to rough up the casing a little with a cut off disk in a moto-tool
and put some rosin on it before soldering. Brushless motors do not
require suppression capacitors.
You don't need to buy
those $50.00 and up motors. Shop around the electronic stores below and
find what you need for around $5.00 most of the time.
though not mandatory, will reduce rpm motor speeds going
to the prop and further reduce the current load on the motor and
battery. I have never used a gear box on any of my towboats and have
pushed some pretty big tows. You would be surprised how little effort it
takes to move weight on the water. Your biggest
enemy is the wind and water current. The good gear drives will
have Nylon Gears to reduce noise. Metal
gear drives are noisy, and can cause radio interference. A
Belt Drive is the best to go with because
they're smoother running and also easier to install, but may be more
expensive. The ratio of the drive means it's two measurements from
engine to shaft in turn speeds. It can range between 2:1, to over 6:1.
Here, the usual ratio's most often used are 3:1, meaning the motor turns
3 times, to ever single turn of the propeller. Unless it needs more
reduction, like in the case of a "Paddle Wheeler" for example. I usually
find a gear drive producing 100 to 124 rpm for paddle wheel boats.
Here's Bill Zumwalt's
A,B,C's on things to consider when powering your boat......
"A" ..... What Scale - Is The Model =
.... This pertains to the models interior and what its Hull & Structures
( their inner space ), will allow you to Install?
Meaning things like - the Motor ('s ), Battery & Other Components, which
may limit some of your choices? If your building - a kit, does the plans
recommend certain parts = Motors, Batteries - Etc.??? If So, you may
have to stick closely to what is recommended, but even then, you may
still have a few choices - so keep this in mind!
"B" ..... What Size
Propeller ( 's ) will be Used or Needed?
.... The size of the Propeller, the larger its diameter, the
larger the current loads will be on its - Motor, Battery & Speed
Control. Here, even slight changes in Propeller - Pitch, using
different props, can effect performance or heat build-up problems in
motors and speed controls. Boiled down to basic's = the whole idea here,
is to make a model handle best - at Very Slow Speeds, without adding
expense to the builder!
"C" .....
Will the model require - A Gear Drive ( 's )?
.... Here, if its a Kit, you may find the instructions "May
or May Not" indicate a need for a certain ratio, or set of motors to use
with the gear drives? Here again, hull space within the model, will
determine whether you can use a drive - or not, if its a Scratch built
hull? But a good rule of thumb, is to always use a "Gear Drive" on any
model, which can be fitted with one. Especially in boats that will not
travel over 15 miles per hour, in their real counterparts. Here, the
faster a motor turns, the harder it is to control the model, so you want
motors that spin easily at low speeds, which only use small amounts of
current to attain this.
"D" .....
How much will the model weight - Once Completed? .....
Here, if its a small model 12 to 18 inches long for example, this can be
critical. If the motors, batteries and other r/c components are to
heavy. While larger models, may require a few extra pounds of lead
weight = Ballast, after everything is installed, to get the hull - down
to its proper waterline draft.... NOTING = The more weight, the harder
it will be to get moving!
"E" ..... How large a
Battery, will the model - use?
... The hulls overall size, usually determines this,
including what type of battery may be required. For example, a small
model, may have only enough space for a typical - 7.2 volt Ni-cad pack,
or a pair of them. While a larger model will allow space for bigger
batteries, like the "Gel Cell" types, in 6 to 12 volt sizes. Remember to
measure the space around the inside and with the structures - on the
hull. To see if - pairs of "Nicad Batteries" for example, will fit? Or
the hull has enough space - Elsewhere, for these items or another type
of battery has to be used? Then you can better determine what type of
choices you have, along with choices in types of dc motors, speed
controls and other components will work.
"F" ..... Just because you
have space for something, doesn't mean you have to install - it!
.....Here, I mean you don't have to do things, if you don't want
too. Just because somebody else did them - in their model, you have
choices you maybe haven't even considered yet, that would improve the
model - ever further. I've seen guys add details and so-called "Whistles
& Bells" functions to models, then wish they hadn't done it. Because
they found something better, that worked even easier. But that's the
problem you run into, in the hobby of scratch building, about the time
you master doing something, some outfits starts offering the same thing
- at a pretty reasonable cost. OH WELL!!.
The best prices I have found for r/c radios, batteries, and
accessories is...
Tower Hobbies,
P.O. Box 9078, Champaign, IL 61826-9078
I buy my motors and some other electrical stuff from a surplus mail
order store...
The motors I buy are rated anywhere from 3000 rpm to 12,000 rpm.
Around 4000 to 6000 is what you want to buy.
Electronics, Mendelsons Electronics
Company, Jameco Electronics
What fittings I don’t scratch build, I buy from...
Blue Jacket
Ship Crafters
A good merchant for work boat kits is
Harbor Models
I get my clear acrylic from a local plastics manufacturer. Check the
yellow pages under plastics.