Videos of Vac-U-Tugs, or other cool boats submitted by owners.

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Several have asked "How does the tug handle rough water?" This is as rough as I could find. Stock tug, 7 cells, top of cabin is sealed with tape and a flat piece of plastic. Rear hatch is sealed with tape. Pilot House is taped in place. Receiver & ESC are wrapped in a paper towels and put into rubber balloons, just in case. Antenna wire is taped to the inside of the cabin. Check your hull/deck seam for openings before trying this! The relatively low power makes control challenging. The goal is to make it past the breakers out to sea. Avoid swimmers! Have a look.

NokomisWMVThm.jpg (23323 bytes) Surf1.jpg (27980 bytes)
Spirit of USS Nokomis YT-142   1.3 MB. Serious Tug Surfing 1.6 MB.
Surf3.jpg (30174 bytes) Surf2.jpg (23175 bytes)

Breaking through a wave. Great slow-motion sequence. 1.2 MB.

Broadside hit, acts like a rescue boat. 1.9 MB.

SubDrivebyThum.jpg (5561 bytes)

TanTugThum.jpg (20462 bytes)

Matt's USS Dallas. An LA class fast attack sub. Tan/Green Tug with seven cells. (1.09 MB)