Towing Fast Electrics or Scale Boats With A
Tennis Ball or Toilet Float.
Great for basic recovery. Requires one tennis
ball (smiley face optional) or plastic toilet float, 12 feet of floating fly line, and a stainless &
brass fishing snap swivel.
Mike has been using his tug
to recover fast electrics for about 1-1/2 years. Here is a tip from him.
This is how
I set mine up for towing. The first thing I did was set up one of those
Dumas props (for efficiency and a scale appearance), as shown on the
picture. I turned a brass acorn nut down for the prop nut, and added a
small piece of silicon tubing as a shock absorber. Also, I repitched the
prop to about 1.7 to give it more drive. It tows at the same speed as
cruising using 7 cells (a 3000mAh NiMh car pack).
The tow rig is a spin float with around 12 feet of 8
pound test mono connected to it. The deck hook is a curtain hook that I
bent slightly, and is screwed into a chunk of plywood that I glued under
the rear deck.
I have used it now for a year and a half
(almost) and just love it. I use it a lot to tow fast electric RC race
boats, and it just never lets me down. It is also a lot of fun to just
run by itself, of course. Mike S