The Early Barge
Little More than
small wooden "Box - Shaped" designs, Bages were very similar to "Flat
Boats" used in the earliest days of river travel . These beasts -
brought about the need for what became known as Towboats. So the
Barge - Itself, really invented these boats to handle them in great
numbers on all rivers!

The =
first river barge, as I said, was probably little more than an old
"Gutted" Steamboat - Hull, converted into a barge to continue
service to its owners. Or else it was built from a Flatboat -
"But Nobody knows for sure?" Few details survive on their
earliest designs or whom built the first barges, or how many and when
exactly it all started? However, we believe by around 1840, barge
designs had become a fairly basic - thing and most everyone copied them
to save time & money. Naturally, a barges size depended upon what it
was used for, or what it would transport and upon which rivers? For
example, perishable goods had to be protected from the elements. So
those barges usually always had structures - like Keel Boats, for
example. If the cargo was = Raw Materials like timber or coal for
example, they were open and basic in shape - much like the above drawing
Small, but
still very similar to modern barges, that have grown a great deal But
back then, made from hand shaped = timbers, held together with wooden
pegs that were tar- pitch sealed to avoid leaks. That meant they only
lasted - a short period of time and so most early barges were sold along
with their cargo, when they reached delivery points. Then they were
broken up for their lumber, which then was used to build homes and
businesses among other things like - Conestoga Wagons and even
Historic homes and mansions along
most of our lower rivers, still have timbers taken from early barges,
well recorded and documented in their history. And some written
historical reports indicate the Wagons that helped our early settlers -
get west, were indeed built from timbers of old barges. Many an old
historical home - we've lovingly preserved for historic reasons, has
floor joists or wall & roof supports and ceiling beams, reshaped or
re-used from barges, And many still show "Hand Shaped" axe marks or
painted barge names & owner's numbers still on their beams and
braces. Many cut by hand and shaped - back then, then later by steam
powered - saw mill and made into fine lumber or furniture - as I
said. But history just doesn't cover all of these early stage
details, all that well .... Certainly not like it - Should, which i'm
sure you'll agree!
Push - Takes Barges Of Many Types!
come in all sorts of designs & sizes, used for hauling just about
everything imaginable on inland rivers. And their even used as short
term - storage containers, when converted, for offices for some towing
companies too. But the Hopper Barge - is the most common, built to
set standards that maximize its usage in restricted areas - meaning
Locks. The idea being - to fit as many barges inside the lock as
possible - for example, to reduce lockage times and make them easier to
handle and more cost effective. Built with One End - Sloped, or
Raked = at a sharp angle, to make the Bow, called a Rake Barge
or just - Rake. The Box - Barge, which has both ends - flat end
in shaped, looks just like a box, thus the term - Box Barge.
Shipyards also build "Double - Rake Barges", Tankers and Flats Decks - (
Called Flats ), as well as others, in all sizes, widths drafts &
Lengths. The area where cargo is hauled, is called the Cargo - Box,
Or Hold, and can be called the Tank, if the barge is designed as a
tanker. Note, Colors of barges, can sometimes indicate its usage,
depending on the type of barge - it is!
The Standard - Modern Jumbo

Tap To
New Jumbo Hoppers
..... "They won't look - like this, Long!
Pushed, bumped & banged around in lots of hard
use and treatment, quickly will have these new units, looking like any
other barge, after a couple years of service. Lasting often over 50
years - in constant service, if properly maintained and repaired, barges
are then sent to the scrap-yard. Empty, one of these barges weighs
about 850 tons, and floats with a draft of only 1 foot depth,
normally. So you can imagine the effects of winds on barges - when
empty, is a real problem!
Loaded Capacity =
1500 Tons .... Materials Commonly Hauled are
Coal, Grain, Salt, Fire Clay, Rock, Sand, Steel =
Sheets or Coils & Scrap Metals, Logs, Pulp Wood and even Saw Dust.
All types of Machinery and Construction Supplies, which includes -
Drinking Water for Cities = In Emergencies. NOTE ... Hopper Barges
can also be built as Tankers, for hauling most any type chemical. But
commonly they carry chemicals like - Alcohol, Benzene, Diesel Fuel or
Used Oils, Gasoline, Jet Fuel, Soybean Oil, and Other products,
including liquid sulfur and other highly toxic chemicals.
Box - Barge (
See Above - Top Drawing ), meaning the barge is square shaped - at
both ends. This is not a barge that's used normally - as a lead
barge, in a tow. Because its more difficult to push and better suited
for use, further back - in the tow.
Rake Barge
( See Above - Bottom Drawing ),
used at the head of barge tows, as lead the barges, because of its -
sloped rake shapes in the bow, which pushes more easily. But can also
be used anywhere in a tow, which these barges are also designed as
Double Raked - End Barges too. Meaning their carry a rake, at both
ends. The raked shape, passes through water more freely than and
reduces the force that must be applied to push them.
Standardized Hopper Barge - Sizes
( Used On All Rivers ),
built as Single or Double Raked - end designs, or Box Ended versions
..... Length = 195' to 200' ... Width = 35' ... Drafts = 12' Overall
... Maximum Loaded Drafts = 9' Empty
Waterline - Draft = Approx. ... 1.5' Drafts Empty Weight = approx 850
tons, per barge.
Steel & Fiberglass -
Types of Steel Tops or "Lid Covers" used on Hopper Barges
To Enlarge Photos
( Photos by Wm. Zumwalt )
has two metal top - sections, which half of each unit, rolls over the
other, and is locked for removal or after replacement when the barge is
Loaded. Requires a crane to lift each section or lid - Off, which is
then stacked upon other sections on the ends of the barges - Cargo
Box. Notes ... May also have
small inspection hatches or entries = on each lid, as the above
"Fiberglass Lids" demonstrate in these two - above photos.
... consist of many mid sections, but only
two end - sections, that lap over and connect to the rest of their
middle sections. Each section must be lifted off - by a crane, then
stacked on the ends of the barge, in order to reach the cargo.
Note ... Lids May also have small inspection
hatch entries on each unit or section of the lid!
Similar to Steel types that "Lap- Over" one another, except made of
fiberglass and have more rounded - shapes. Their Colors - Also Vary,
from Steel version, which are usually the same color as the barge. So
Fiberglass tops can be Green, White,
Blue, Red and
Yellow - in colors which are typical on all rivers, among others too.
Notes ... Barges with Fiberglass - Lids,
often indicate the barge is used to haul - Grains, as a rule or
materials which must be kept - Dry. And each of lid - section,
usually carries several small "Inspection Hatches" or Loading Doors or
Hatches - as well!
Maximum Tow Size - Above St.

A Typical 15
Barge Tow, which operates on the Upper Miss, Ohio & Illinois, is
restricted in size to a Maximum size of 15 Loaded or 16 Empties.
This rule applies to all tows -
above St. Louis, which must pass through - Locks & Dams to reach upper
points, because the rivers is more narrow. Plus the limited space
within locks, allows only a certain amount of tonnage to fit within
them. A tow of 15 - Hopper barges, lashed
together ( 3 - wide ) and 5 - Long (
"Lashed End To End" ), are equivalent to a 1/4 mile in overall
length with the boat included, being approximately 1145 feet long. If
Loaded, a 15 barge tow carries a "Whopping 22,500 tons of cargo, more
than 4 1/2 times what the average Cargo Ship - carries!
Tap To
Enlarge (No link, Sorry.)
Standardized Hopper Barges ....
Thos drawing shows a standard - Rake & Box Barge,
which is 35' wide and 12 foot drafts overall. Their lengths are 195 &
200' foot lengths respectively, meaning the box, is a few feet long then
the Rake - version is. Typically you find these types of barges sing
lids made from Fiberglas, or Steel, which can be placed or removed by
cranes for loading & unloading. The Cargo Box, or Hold as its called
sometimes, extending a few feet above the deck of the barge, braced with
a platform to hold or clamp its lid tops - down upon. These barges
can also be built as "Tanker Versions" too, or dry powder cargo barges -
like Cement Barges for example. And the term = Rake or Raked Barge,
refers to the radius of the bow raked design of the lead barge, in the
top of this drawing. And the box barge is used behind it, when tows
are made-up. And seldom is a Box Barge, found in use as a lead barge,
due to its flat-ends, which are far more difficult to push on the bow of
a tow. But occasionally, you see this happen, but its avoided if at
all possible by companies, due to the fuel wasted pushing them in that
manner. Its like shove'un against a brick wall!
NOTE .....
Tows on the upper rivers are formed into 3- wide tows to allow them to
pass through the narrow locks & dams on upper rivers. Most all of
these locks are 110' wide, which a 3 wide tow of 35' barges is just 105'
wide. Allowing about 2 1/2 feet of clearance on either side for the
tow to enter the lock chamber. Most locks on the upper Miss., are
still the older 600' long chambers, but there are several new 1200'
chambers that have secondary or standby smaller 600' lock chambers =
right beside them. On the Ohio, all locks are now equipped with both =
600' & 1200' chambers, that speed up passage times for these
bottlenecks. While new locks on the Mississippi are still waiting
replacement, they continue service after more than 50 years of
service. But are beginning to show signs of wear and require
rebuilding to stay in good operational states. And nobody seems to
know - when this will change, as our Government finds it tougher to find
money to replace these worn out old locks along with the usual
objections of most environmentalist that don't like them. But I
notice they sure do enjoy using the products these systems provide!
Maximum Tow Size
Below St. Louis - Or Below The Ohio River,
The Gulf Of New Orleans on the Mississippi River
Where No - Locks, Restrict Tow Size!

A Typical 40 Barge tow!
St. Louis to the Gulf of New Orleans, tows can
attain numbers of over 40 to 50+ barges in a single tow. Pushed by a
single vessel. which are the largest class of Long Haul - Towboats.
Rated above 6000 to over 10500+ horsepower in the biggest vessels,
powered by Twin, or Triple Screws ...... These are the "The Big Boys" of
PUSH!!! With no locks to restrict - tow-size below St. Louis, the only
restrictions or exceptions that reduce things are restrictions by the
rivers conditions, depending on safe navigation rules, set by the Coast
Guard. For Example - during low water or high water - flooding, or in
towing accidents, or when the river channels are being dredged, or
during bad weather .... Such things can and often do, reduce barge tow
sizes or can halt traffic completely. Otherwise the vessel and/or its
Capt, or owners, set the towed number of barges that it will push -
safely, naturally following the CG - laws for safe navigation. So
occasionally when there's a bottleneck of barges in a fleet, a boat with
the power to handle massive tows, gets a chance to show it stuff.
The results, a record size number of barges, pushed at one time, which
boggles the mind to its massive size!
Other Types Of Barges
Capacity - 3500 Tons .... Hull Size = 265' x 52' x 12' Draft
Just So You Know -
Hopper barges are also built for specific - use on the lower -
Mississippi, and for Ocean operations. But due to their larger size,
their restricted from use on most upper rivers. To large to get
through most - Locks, or because of their deeper - hull drafts, can't be
used on shallow rivers. Only occasionally are these barges seen or
used "Up - North" - as they say, noting their use on the - Gulf
Inter-Coastal Canal way and sometimes the Oceans. Giant - Jumbo
Characteristics : typical looking to their smaller - counterparts,
meaning the Standard - 1,500 ton Jumbo Hopper, including their = Colors,
Structures & Lid Covers - If any. Sizes; can attain 365' x 50' x 16'
drafts as a typical size, but can also be wider, deeper and longer in
some applications. And use Fiberglass Lid tops, or Metal lids to cover
its cargo.
= Come in all sizes ( Drafts - Widths & Lengths ),
capable of hauling any sort of liquid "Chemicals or Dry Powder" forms of
cargo. These include Acids ( All Types ), Asphalt, Diesel Fuel, Jet
Fuel, Gasoline, Mineral Oils, Cement ( Dry Powder Forms ) and even
Natural Gas and Liquefied Oxygen transported by tanker Barges. Their
designs can be either single or double skin designs, depending upon the
required safety restrictions of the materials hauled. Typical sizes
built, include the same sizes as the Standard Hopper - Barge. And also
special designed tankers, with overall sizes that range from - 50' to
52' wide, 100' to 300' lengths and from 7' to 12' drafts.
FLOAT'S or Float Barge
= The very smallest types, usually less than 20' across
and less than 30' long, with about a 2' to 4; drafts, as basic sizes.
Floats are used by small utility boats in all sorts of repair work.
Often found around "Locks & Dams" and some can be self powered by their
own small outboard motor, in some cases. Note .... Dredges use a
number of Floats, to carry their "Discharge Pipe" that trails behind the
dredge, used to pump materials out of a channel and off to one side of a
river channel in making it deeper.
FLAT DECK or Flat = ALL Sizes (
Drafts - Widths & Lengths ), are types of Work Barges, which may be
built for Machine Shops and other usage. This includes the Dry-Dock
barge too. The smallest of these types are called "FLOATS", used for
work or repairs in a wide arrangement, for example as additions to
extend a Dry Docks lengths in repairs.
= Built for specific uses,
such as Floating - Machine Shops, Crews Quarters, Storage Barges and
other uses in construction or repair jobs. Including "Dry-Docks, used
in ship repairs or for building new vessels. Here also, you find
barges with specific uses, such as "Oil Spill" clean-up barges, used
when a vessel or another barge - sinks. Carrying holding tanks, pumps
and "Floating Spill Barriers" to assist oil removal from the water, or
in pumping out - sunken vessels.
Can also be
used as a = Crane Barge, = to lift off or assist loading or unloading
materials into other barges or vessels, along with Salvage, or Heavy
Lift - Barges, Many carry "Monstrous Sized - Cranes or Lifting
Booms", to lift entire vessels - for example!
Last Updated On
06/29/23 .